My First Love
Met you somewhere.. sometimes in a day, if I'm that lucky, I'll be able to peek a boo at u once or twice.But just for a second.Orang kata, "Kalau bercinta, tak nampak org nya, nampak bumbung pun jadilah"..And it's true. Recently, we met several times but you keep on changing your shirt colour which not my favourite colours. You are too hot!Too sexy!I've tested your power and wallah!!No turning back..But it's all in my dream!!Your head!!
I love to see you in that "pepper white" shirt with black collar..Yesterday eve, on the way back, you were standing right beside me.Betul betul sebelah, shoulder to shoulder but of cos la I can't touch you.
My Second Luv
He is slightly fierce as compared to my first love.Btw, he has muscles, huge body. Love looking at him in red or white shirt.Hensem habis..Enuf said about 2nd love because I still stick on my first luve..
Korang nak tengok who are they??
Belum la..scroll la lgi..
Hehehe..itu je..kasi ayat power je..
nice cars =) like both
LOL!! car!! nice~*
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