I think I'm so addicted to polyvore.com..mesti korang gelak guling guling kan sebab mcm ketinggalan zaman gile and best thing it helps me a lot to plan for my style..so i dah discover what should i wear for movie outing this friday nite (Note : Remember, Friday nite kan hari wajib ber'chenta' dgn hubby??) What do u think of this style??Cool kan..
Tapi....(Can u smell something???)..I don't have that black flats, white watch I do but of coz' different brand, but mine is more gorgeous, the wrislet...mine is colourful and I should be getting a black instead!!!
I just love this style sbb mcm cool and relax or dalam bahasa melayu nye..'S.A.N.T.A.I'. Korang pernah experience tak org pergi tgk movie mlm2 tapi dress up mcm......(self explanatory) WTF?
??? I opt for something casual mcm ni kalau nka lepak kat mamak ke or just watching movie..kata pun nak leisure2, ini pki baju yg menyusahkan hidup..sape suh??
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