Potong,ptotong,potong,potong ..and it cont..WTF??P1 offered bad services inclusive of customer service and everything bout' them.We subscribed P1 and it lasted for almost 2 or 3 mths only.Some of points that I would like to higghlight :
a. Bad customer service. Our calls seldomly attended by them. Most of it, they were not able to respond to our queries, and what they did?They keep on passing the call to one another and it just increased our phone bill.
b. Too difficult to make payment. We were informed differently by the SA during our registration time.
c. Too many hidden cost
d. SA advised us incorrect/stupid/nonsense cost
e. Bad services (Tak selalu dapat good reception tho' we subscribed the highest speed they have)
Kalau nak surf youtube..it takes years and years for it to be completed..bangun tido bangun tido pun tak tentu ok..
Lepas tu we came across good offer from Streamyx and here we go!!We are now on Streamyx!!Simple The Best!!So far, service tip top la..And they have improved a lot in customer service, they attended quite fast to our calls..oklah kan as compared to P1..Sekarang ni memang gelabah la P1, because I heard that many of their customers has terminated their services and changed to Streamyx instead.
Dok la nyanyi "Potong,potong,potong" sini sana, tapi in real life, they are the one who should be 'potong'..Last week saw Streamyx new adv where they clearly showed P1'd modem..Memang kelakar la both companies ni..Now, P1 is officially Streamyx main rival and vice versa. This is the best part/time for consumer like us to fully utilize them.Apelagi, guna kan apa yg ada!!
I think P1 is gonna have tough time when the fiber optic installation completes. Bungkus la P1 but my fren is very hepi with P1..Btw, it all depends on individual, as for me..I'll stick on Streamyx..You rock!!!
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