Happy New Year 2010..My watch shows 00:00 AM/12.00 o'clock!!And it's new year!!Let us say good bye to year 2009. To all wishes that we have yet to achieve in year 2009, probably we can still achieve it this new year 2010. And now, I'm sitting on my couch while watching the 'Princess and Frog' and my finger are too busy doing the typing..:) And of cos, deep in my heart I'm celebrating the New Year as well. You don't have to be in park, clubs or even kat Bukit Antarabangsa (the peak) to see fireworks..or to celebrate New Year..Every New Year comes with our new resolutions or wishes and most important is how you execute.
Me..I've written down some of my resolutions for year 2010 and try my best to achieve, even not all but at least most of it..Here it is...
"Dear Year 2010, I wanna be a super quality wife,a compassionate mum..Insyallah,a dedicated worker, a thoughtful daughter, a lovely sister, a considerate citizen and a gud muslimah. Last but not least, please be NICE to me..cheers!!"
The rest of my resolutions are not for sharing.I rather keep it to myself.
OK.Let us put aside our emotions and let me tell you what happen in KLCC this evening.As early as 2pm, KLCC has been filled up with local and tourist.Even the PUTRA LRT announced that their services will be extended until 01.00 AM, if I'm not mistaken at certain main station i.e. KLCC, Masjid Jamek, Bangsar and etc. My company has announced in Intranet that there'll be firework show in KLCC Park.It must be a nice one!!!But I doubt whether the ppl there knw how to appreciate or not. It seems that 'kutu kutu' and 'kupu kupu' malam lepak at KLCC for no reason but just to enjoy their self to the max. And sadlly, most of them are still under age.
Hello parents out there, why are you letting you kids to spend their teenager's time with non value added activities??? I'm totally fine with those who knows how to appreciate the New Year celebration.I just pity them..cos' I think they are going to regret later..
happy new year!
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