Understood that the entry title sounds a bit misleading but please, before I put my pen down, I would luv to share the gist of the book which I bought from one of the local bookstore, Kinokuniya, KLCC. I have to wait for couple of days before I can be one of the owner of this book..ramai org book this book and I was one of them. Saw the existence of this book from one of local newspaper. And did some self study through internet before I decided to buy this.
'Allan & Barbara Pease' is the writer and they are from the No. 1 Bestselling Authors of Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Read Maps'. Oooohhh..I missed that..Who can help me to look for that??
I've read almost of it and what can be summarized from the book :
a. What we really want from love?
b. How to find great partner and have happy future?
c. How to appreciate your partner?
d. What to do when you realized the chemistery went wrong and etc?
Some of interesting note that I took from the book -
"This book can help singles looking for love, those in relationships that need some real help or those who want to keep their partner happy and reap the extraordinary benefits that follow"
Before I put my pen down, I would love to share this quote which I got from the book. Enjoy every single words of it..
"People who feel loved live longer and enjoy better health"

For more details, please spend few minutes here
happy New Year! (sorry, i know it's totally unrelated :P)
interesting book..
oh well, every individual will find out one day.. =P
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