Today, we attended my colleague's wedding, Azreen aka Erin, longer Ms, now you are Mrs. or Puan Azreen.Welcome to the 'No More Single' club!!I knew her since uni time.We studied in same university - UTP but we were in different batch , she was my junior, 1 year younger.
She joined UTP a year after me. How me met??It started when I joined UTP Treasure Hunt in year 2003 or 2004..Can't remember the exact date la..Her parents was the main organizer/coordinator for this event. We had to travel from UTP - Ipoh - Teluk Intan - Taiping and come back to Ipoh. When we stopped at R&R Bukit Gantang, if I'm not mistaken, we said hi to each other and started to talk and talk and talk.
Masa ni lah dia bagitahu some of the treasure hunt answers..hihi..kira mcm cheating jugak la.Resulted from that, we were among the top 25!!Dapat la hadiah!!hihihi..Lepas dpt answer, obviously, we managed to answer most of the question and we spent the rest of the day macam 'jalan jalan cari makan'.
OK..enough about the treasure hunt thingy. Erin had her wedding at Bora Ombak Restaurant, Ampang.Next to Ampang Sports Planet.We arrived there quite late, around 2 pm but I still can see any guest. She chose 'Black and White' color as her wedding theme.I think for Malay wedding, the most popular color for year 2010 is black and white. It started since end of last year..Makin pelik kan..Tapi ok lak bile tengok..Depends on how you play with the colors la kan..

Her wedding dais - black and white, simple yet elegant!!

That's Erin and her husband..She looks so sweet in the white dress.This lady is very tall and skinny.I hope I can just transfer some of my fats and pass it to her..Congratulation to both of you newly married couple!!
Lepas wedding ni, konon nak salin baju kurung. Dah bawak extra casual clothes nak salin before pergi tgk movie tapi susah pulak nak cari tenpat salin, at last pergi tengok wayang pakai baju kurung.The last time buat perangai macam ni dah lama which me myself can't recall..We watched 'Old Dogs'..5 stars!!Memang best and kelakar la cerita ni but there are few scenes that can make you in tears..To all, go and watch this movie.You'll never regret!! "Dear,tengok lagi sekali, you don't mind eh??"

Waiting for hubby..want to get DVD cetak rompak la - looking for 'Ninja Assasin', 'Pisau Cukur' and what else huh??
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