Remember, in previous post I mentioned one of our plan this weekend - makan kat one of our favorite place in Kuala Selangor.Inilah dia, Seafood restaurant at Jeram, Kuala Selangor. Location, not that far from KL, probably 45 minutes to 1 hour from KL. Few routes that you can opt for, you can choose to go via Kapar,Bukit Tagar (Utara Selatan Highway) or Rawang - Bukit Beruntung - Kuala Selangor. Depends on you..The best thing about this Seafood Restaurant :
a. Fresh seafood. When I said 'Fresh', its totally fresh.Sebab this restaurant is located next to tanjung, if I'm not mistaken and you can see nelayan park diaorg punye boat kat tepi retaurant ni.
b. Price - reasonable (murah jugak).You can't find same price with superb quality kat KL..Even Bagan Lalang seafood pun tak leh lawan.
c. Quality - Superb
Even sekarang ni they have expanded their business, Last 3 years, when I was there (first time), tak sebesar sekarang.Tapi semalam, mmg terkejut, rasanye not even a year pun diaorg dah renovate gila2 that area and expand lagi restaurant tu.Sekarang waiter & waitress pun pakai yellow tshirt (their formal uniform) and they are carrying walkie talkie everywhere..
We arrived there around sempatlah tgk view sunset kat situ, cantik weh!!
Tengok tu, sebelum masuk ada pintu gerbag besar "Medan Ikan Bakar Pantai Jeram"

Cari spot park kereta.Dah dapat cepat2 pilih seafood!!!

Masa ni memang selalu menguji tahap tamak manusia.Kalau I pilih, semua amik banyak,lepas tu tak habis.So, I let my husband did the job, and he is very good in this. I kat sebelah kerja tunjuk2 je ape yg I nak sebab I tak reti sangat pilih ikan,sotong,ketam ni..So, seafood semua ni fresh from laut tau, kat tepi tempat ni mmg tenpat nelayan2 and bot2 park..
Lepas habis pilih, kena la bagi kat org kat situ and bgtau nak masak ape.And they will cook for you.SEDAP!!

Ha, ni abang yg take note lauk2 tu nak masak ape.."Masak sedap sedap ek"Last time, staffs are not wearing any uniform but last night, semua pakai kuning!!Kira inilah die uniform restaurant ni.
Lepas tu cari best sopt utk duduk la, cari view yg leh tgk laut kt dpean..Sambil makan, jamu mata..romantic!!

Time ni dalam kul 7.30 pm, so dpt la tgk sunset..cantik..

Berusaha amik gambar ni..cantik nye..

Sorry, ter paste lak gambar lepas makan, nak bagi terliur..and finale, ni la nombor meja..

u makan kedai yang mana satu yea..?
Kat situ ada 2 kedai ikan bakar?
I makan kat kedai plg hujung..yg tu yg plg menjilat jari!!!u mkn mana?
Hi, leh bg more spesifik location. Kat mana kat Jeram ni?
I went the last x sedap lansung for me la..ketam bercili diorg goreng mcm ketam ciliboh, kailan ikan masin mcm kailan ikan tawar...hilang selera...butter prawn so-so sama mcm kat mana2
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