Dalam oukul 545pm, we received call from Kak Noni asking our exact location in KLCC as she had arrived in KLCC. Tiba tiba, tukar plan, she wanted to shop for new blouses so we met her in Isetan instead.Rasanya dah lama sangat tak jumpa dia..dari jauh nampak 3 girls were running here and there and terus I cakap ' Itu kan anak Noni ' and Ayu said 'Aah'. Ayu and Jue dah jumpa diaorg dulu sebab pergi wedding tu.
Time flies very fast..Her first girl dah bukan lagi budak comel gomok, sekarang dah jadi very lovely girl. She's in standard 5..Najihah (Jaja),Natasha (Tasha), Nuha (Nuha) and last but not least..Muhammad Umar Ali (Umar).

Yang dress up in purple is her 1st girl - Jaja, yg pki dress floral (tembun) skit tu, Tasha and the most skinny in Nuha. Masa ni Umar with his dad jalan jalan tempat lain. They were so hyperactive and memang cute.Jaja asked Ayu 'Aunty, why you haven't changed?" and Ayu replied 'Ooooo..I'm forever like this, elegant bla bla' (dengan nada yg konon macam budak tu puji la die ni tak berubah since belajar kat UTP dulu). Tiba tiba, si Jaja ni cakap lagi "Aunty, allow me to rephrase - why you haven't changed?Not you but your clothes". Time tu memang kami gelak guling guling.Jaja tanye sebab Ayu ni dok lagi pakai baju kurung pi kenduri tadi and tak tukar2.Padan muka Ayu!!Amik!!

We spent almost like 2 hours jalan2 dalam isetan with all the kids yang memang active.Asyik snap pictures je..Shopping - settled. Then, we off to food court Level 2 as the kids wanted to have their dinner in Subway. Masa ni lah I jumpa Umar and his daddy. He is so cute and chubby. He is 6 months old..

He wasn't feeling very well today so a bit cranky la but still adorable..Masa makan ni Tasha (2nd daughter of Noni) lak buat lawak.She was fighting with Jaja just because they wanted to sit next to Ayu and Jaja went "Aunty Ayu, she weights 33kg" whilst pointing her finger to Tasha. Tasha replied "Kakak, please don't tell everybody" and showed the sign SSShhhhhhh..Cute!

Noni and her family sent me back home and on our way, Umar poop, so I offered the whole family to come over to my house,cuci poop Umar.So, we talked a while and they went back to Perak. Tiba tiba I ternampak Umar's booties left on our dining table and quickly told my hubby. Hubby cakap nanti nak return to Noni bila balik Perak. I sms-ed Noni and she said simpan buat kenangan. So, I placed Umar's booties on coffee table takut nanti terlupa nak bawak balik but Hubby can't get rid of Umar's face from his mind. He told me once that Umar managed to touch his softest part as a man..He kind of macam suka Umar.
Yesterday when I came back from office, he showed me something. He placed Umar's booties on fridge and smiled at me..That booties in dark blue color with 2 white stripes..
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