Farewell ~ L.A.D.Y.I.N.L.A.V.E.N.D.E.R
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Last Friday, we had a our departmental meeting and followed by a small farewell lunch for Izham, the trainee in our dept. He spent like 8 months, student from UTP (junior I la..) doing his own job at his own pace!!hehehe..kidding..We got him to develop a simple system as his internship project..Tak tau la mcm mana rupa system tu as I bukan SV dia..

Same day, we had small birthday celebration.Ni kira celebrate birthday secara pukal..ramai2 la.

We bough him some small gifts from ' Bally', hahahahah!!Kidding, we got him 2 small souveniers from Petronas Twin Towers shop je..sudah..budak bdak baru belajar,mana boleh beli mahal2..nanti dia buangkan?kan?kan?

That cake if from Secret Recipe, Strawberry Choc Cake kot.Nak beli cake pun macam2 songeh and req. that we have to consider.Ada yang tak nak cheese (Which is me..I don't take cheese..Bau pun tak leh, apetah lagi telan),ada yg tak nak choc, ada yg tak nak lembik2 and etc.Last2 ikut majority amik je cake ni..Habis gak!

The 2 ladies in the picture my colleague,both of them married with kids, Seorang tu, kak Ita mother of 4, and the other one, kak Lily, mother of 1 girl..Yang lelaki tu lah our trainee. Dia ni memang senyap sikit and suka bagi tazkirah (budak masjid), even during our meeting, we told him to give some sharing session, yelah, we expect him to share his system to us so that takde lah benda tu tak pakai, at least we can utilize, but at the end, dia buat benda lain lak..Memang lawak budak ni..

Mmg 'kena' la budak ni lepas tu..tak kisah la last day ke ape ke..


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