04.01.2010 is the first day of school for kids.Especially for standard one student.I think almost of the parents are on leave today sebab nak temankan anak2 pergi sekolah. Office I pun senyap je, sabab ramai amik cuti hantar anak2 pergi sekolah.Sure, balik nanti, news pun will be reporting the same thing as one of their headlines..They'll be showing how standard one student menangis tak nak masuk kelas la, tak bagi mak bapak balik and so on.Biasa la baru standard one, culture shock lagi.
Ha..amik ko tengok menangis sampai mulut nganga sebesra besar alam.Time ni memang testing parents nye patience la.Kalau boleh time ni bulan bintang parents sanggup janji, asalkan anak nak masuk kelas and senyum lebar je. Mak bapak pun senang hati..
If I can still recall what was the feeling like during our standard one..It happened for ages dah la kan..Tapi paling best, our parents will make sure our school preparations i.e. pencil case, school bags, shoes and etc dah ready awal awal lagi..Selalunya, lagi 2 weeks before school starts, we have almost everything.Lepas tu setaip hari lah dok belek belek barang2 tu, bawak kehulu hilir, bawak pergi rumah maktok..mcm a bit show off la kan.Kelakar..Lepas a day before school starts, malam tu memang semua brg dah siap atur dpn pintu bilik..From head to toe, bayangkan..punyalah excited..And this habit cont. until secondary school. Tapi masa kat secondary school dah tak lah tayang tayang kat rumah maktok lagi..
Tapi every morning of first day of school, abah mesti amik gambar both of us, me and my sis..kitaorg dah siap pki baju semua dgn kasut, botol air di tgn and mulalah posing amik gambar.Tapi knowing kids pagi2 kan, muka adalah toye sangat..Memang kelakar la muka tu bile tengok..Gambar takde sbb semua kt my parents hse.
Enough of my morning rumbling..so tak sabar balik nak tengok gelagat budak standard one.MEsti macam2..Yg nangis for sure ada, yg maintain amcho pun mesti ada..hihi.Tapi ok kot, sebab sekarang ni kan sekolah dah mula a week earlier if I'm not mistaken for standard one student.Konon konon for familiarization la.OK lah sikit kot, at least takde lah diaorg takut sgt..Tapi lain kot the environment kalau yg actual first day.
1st day skolah da ad spupu wat hal xnk gi skolah...haidar wat hal xnk gi skola...
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