One,two, three..gym!gym!gym! ~ L.A.D.Y.I.N.L.A.V.E.N.D.E.R
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One,two, three..gym!gym!gym!

Last week, my 1st attempt to gym was a bigg success to me!!Spent 30 minutes (1st timer can be considered ok lah) in gym duirng lunch hour.

Lunch time is the best thing because not many ppl at that time tho' you have to skip your lunch. As for me,I took supplement food la ganti. Ada ke pergi exercise tapi tak makan, ada yang kejap lagi terlentang kat situ. Probably in future I will join the 'Body Combat'..macam best plus when I heard my husband told me tadi..Nanti boleh give a try!!

Probably, 30 minutes is not enough but as a beginner, I should be proud of myself..Next week kite pergi lagi.

Diri ku, botol airku, kasut ku (Mr Hubby said "Kasut u ni kalau jual balik pun mmg ok, sebab mcm tak pernah pakai")-Condition still tip top like almost new sebab pernah pakai once/twice je, itupun dlm gym and lepas tu dok simpan..Gym bag yg proper dikebas my sis, so the pink bag, the only bag left for me..
That's me after gym.I spent 5-10 minutes in sauna too..konon la cara hidup sihat!!Caiyok!!!Time to say bye bye to TTFC!!I'll be going again next week!!


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