Last Saturday, received few smses from one of fren Ayu and followed by calls from Jue, another fren of mine ajak keluar lepak dgn seorang VIP ni..Sebelum cerita psl lepak lepak session tu ada cerita lawak nak cerita, Ayu and Jue ni just came back from a wedding which supposedly I should be attending to tapi tersalah date. I marked date yang pengantin lelaki side plak..
VIP that I'm referring here used to be our lecturer in UTP, She taught us few subjects i.e. Business Ethics, Corporate Affairs and etc. First class je students semua dah enjoy class dia.She's very down to earth, friendly and funny.AT first, all of us (10 of us - gang la ni) called her Pn. Noni and kalau dalam class tu memang kami je conquer buat apa2 decision - tak kisah la apa apa kan.
Lepas dah lama lama and lunch sekali, we became closer and she asked us to call her Kak je..Tapi panggilan ni bukan semua la panggil, so far I heard only me, Jue and Ayu je.Lepas tu dah selalu ajak kami pergi rumah parents die makan makan even kalau ada kenduri kendara, kami ni mcm host plak..macam family.Kira semua family kenal kami.
Ada this one subject and tutor class die tak ramai la for our session, and she suggested for us to conduct the class kat rumah kami je.hahahaha!!apelagi, tutor class kat rumah je lah..It cont. till our very last day in UTP..Lepas dah kerja, masing masing jarang lah jumpa.She was busy with her career and family. From 1 girl, she's adding the number to 2, 3 and latest invention, baby boy - Umar Ali (cute - he managed to steal hubby's attention). Will tell ya' later about this..
Last 2 years, she went to Aussie to futher her studies in PhD and will be expecting to come back next year, probably in May 2010. Sekarang kan school holiday dekat Aussie, the whole family balik la Malaysia. So, apalagi..jumpa la~!!~
OK lepas Jue and Ayu ni cakap pasal plan to see Kak Noni, I asked for hubby's green light and yahoo!!terus siap..pakai simple je, just checkered shirt with pants.Kata nak lepak lepak kan..After like 30 minutes, they arrived and Ayu nak pergi toilet, so I welcomed them to my lovely home and sembang sembang sekejap with hubby and off to KLCC.
Initial plan to meet at one of restaurant in KLCC , nevertheless she arrived a bit late, she promised at 5 pm but she only turned up at 545pm so we had our makan makan session dulu. Those 2 not-so-hot babes were very hungry to the max and Jue decided to belanja.So, we opted for Chakri Palace. When I hang out with these 2 crazy ppl, seems like exercise mulut je.Asyik gelak,makan,gelak,makan dgn lawak bodoh masing masing and kutuk masing masing.
We were greated in Thai 'Sawadikap' which sounds like 'Ikan Siakap' and Ayu replied 'Kapunkap'.We laughed till lungs out. Tengok tengok menu and Ayu tak boleh decide nak makan apa last last sekali 'Nasi Goreng Belacan'. I ordered ' Nasi Goreng Kailan Ikan Masin' and can't remember the name in Thai. We also ordered Sotong Goreng Tepung.Jue ordered Koewtiaw Goreng. Kalau tengok menu kami, makan kat warung tepi jalan pun boleh.

That's me, Ayu (free hair girl) and Jue (with beige tudung). We have been friends since UTP..They are my close friends, I should say..Dah siap order, apalagi start lah gossip and kutuk2 session.Luckily not many ppl that time so we were laughing like no body biz.

Lady in pink was one of the waitress. She was very patient with Ayu's 1001 questions about the menu.Haaiissshh..Kesian kakak tu..Tapi kakak ni pun ramah tamah sangat, boleh lak cerita experiences dia masa kerja dgn hotel..
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